Friday, February 2, 2018 Reflections on Celebration of Discipline—The Discipline of Guidance, Part 4 of 4: The Limits of Corporate Guidance
Friday, February 2, 2018 Reflections on Celebration of Discipline—The Discipline of Guidance, Part 4 of 4: The Limits of Corporate Guidance Scripture: Excerpt: As we all know, dangers exist in corporate guidance as well as in individual guidance. Perhaps the most menacing danger is manipulation and control by leaders. If corporate guidance is not handled within the larger context of an all-pervasive grace, it degenerates into an effective way to straighten out deviant behavior. There is also danger in the opposite direction. It is possible for a hard-hearted and stiff-necked people to hinder Spirit-inspired leaders. While leaders need the counsel and discernment of the believing community, they also need the freedom to lead. If God has called them to lead, they should not have to bring every detail of life to the community. Another danger is that corporate guidance will become divorced from biblical norms. Scripture must pervade and penetrate all our thinkin...