Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Four Steps and a Heart Check (The Discipline of Study, Part 3) (Inspired by Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Four Steps and a Heart Check (The Discipline of Study, Part 3)
(Inspired by Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster)

It’s important to take the time to lay a foundation for what study involves. The four steps as presented by Pastor Foster are:

1.       Repetition: science has confirmed that the centuries old practice of repetition of a subject will train the mind and cause ingrained patterns to be set. God’s design is that when we repeat a subject, we are likely to reach understanding.
2.       Concentration: In a world centered on distraction, a one-thing focus and intention to concentrate on a subject at hand, such as we are in this study of Celebration of Discipline, is a needed remedy for fragmented lives.
3.       Comprehension: John 8:32 says we shall KNOW the truth, and the truth will make us free. It isn’t enough to have information, we need to have that clarifying and understanding moment when we are changed.
4.       Reflection: “Reflection brings us to see things from God’s perspective….(and) we come to understand not only our subject matter, but ourselves…” (Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline). 

In addition to cultivating the habit and practice of study, we must take the right heart attitude as we come to a deeper understanding of what God is showing us. We should not take a superior stance to others as we are filled with knowledge, but instead the understanding of the Truth should bring us to a genuine place of humility. If my heart is prideful about what I know, the chances are that I haven’t been truly taking time to embrace and understand and allow my study to bring me into a revelation of Who God is.  

It is so good to embrace God’s desire for the purpose of study, which may be summed up in the following Scripture:

He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly, To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
- Micah 6:8

If you are here, you have humbled yourself and recognize that you simply cannot do this life on your own. God has given us this beautiful discipline of study so that we have a way to receive from Him guidance for the difficult roads we walk in life. Be encouraged, friends!


Father, it is amazing that You have provided a Way for us to know more about You and become more like You through the study of Your Word. Thank You that You want to open the eyes of our understanding, that we may receive the hope of our calling and be enlightened to Your heart and Will for us (Ephesians 1:18).

Lord, I come humbly before you and confess (area of sin or struggle. Mine today: I confess that I am struggling to stay focused on the tasks I am called to do and not to become distracted. Help me to focus on Your call, and not focus on the overwhelming but less important things but to focus on the “best yes” for Your desire for my daily living. Help me to trust You with the “minors,” the little messes in life that are time suckers, but to give the majority of my attention to the “majors.”)

Lord, I desire to be a student of Your Word and Your world. Instill in me a new level and a fresh anointing for study so that I might be a shining light to others. Teach me a deeper level of humility. Remove any stink of pride and create in me a pure heart as I study.

I lift up my children to You today. I pray that Your Word would also be fresh to them, and that You would make them hungry and thirsty to understand it and the world and events that unfold around them in the light of that Truth. (Journal needs, concerns, victories and progress. For Chloe today: I am ready to embark on a new level of household responsibility for both children, and am concerned for her that as she is able to complete many chores that her brother cannot she might struggle to be motivated. For Christian today: I will also pray for the training in chores that he will take to it, and be able to have a sense of pride and ownership as he learns to complete these tasks.)

Thanksgiving and Consecration:

Lord, thank You that You are concerned with the everyday needs in our home and family. Thank You that You are gracious and compassionate. You are holy, Lord, and I love You. Bless this time of prayer and study, and seal it in my heart. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.


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